apatite from Salamanca
Product no.: 10220-2blue apatite from Salamanca, Spain.
In stock Delivery weight: 100 g30 thumbnail-sized fluor apatite
Product no.: lote 53thumbnail-sized crystals fluor apaptite. The mineral is fixed in cardboard boxes of 40mm x 40mm, with a label whith its name and locality. THE PHOTOGRAPH IS AN EXAMPLE. 30 UNITS. Cardboard box for exposition not included
Delivery weight: 600 gapatite
Product no.: 10219Blue apatites, with nice color blue. Three crystals of them are in perfectly formed In stock Delivery weight: 170 g
apatite - Salamanca - cod 10221
Product no.: 10221Nice piece of blue apatite from Salamanca, One crystals is in perfectly formed In stock Delivery weight: 170 g

apatite - Salamanca - cod 10223
Product no.: 10223quartz geode which features a large blue crystal zoned, has a small contact on one side and another one smaller in perfect condition In stock Delivery weight: 170 g
apatite from Salamanca
Product no.: 10220-1blue apatite from Salamanca, Spain. size 5cm Todo sobre cursos infotep
In stock Delivery weight: 100 g
apatite from Salamanca
Product no.: 10220-4blue apatite from Salamanca, Spain. size 3.5cm
Delivery weight: 50 gapatite from Salamanca
Product no.: 10220-6blue apatite from Salamanca, Spain.
In stock Delivery weight: 50 gapatite from Salamanca
Product no.: 10220-7blue apatite from Salamanca, Spain.
Delivery weight: 50 gapatite from Salamanca
Product no.: 10220-8blue apatite from Salamanca, Spain.
Delivery weight: 50 g
fluorapatite - Murcia, Spain
Product no.: 6211[1]green-yellow flluorapaptite crystals in matrix, from La Celia, Murcia, Spain
In stock
can be shipped within 3 days

fluorapatite - Murcia, Spain
Product no.: 6211[2]green-yellow flluorapaptite crystals in matrix, from La Celia, Murcia, Spain

fluorapatite - Murcia, Spain
Product no.: 6211[3]green-yellow flluorapaptite crystals in matrix, from La Celia, Murcia, Spain
In stock
can be shipped within 3 days
Apatito - Flavio Minerals
apatite from Salamanca 30 thumbnail-sized fluor apatite apatite apatite - Salamanca - cod 10221 apatite - Salamanca - cod 10223 fluorapatite - Murcia, Spa
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